Monday, Once Again

Today wasn’t a particularly bad day. In fact, overall things went quite well. However, as seems to happen to me frequently on Mondays… I’m struggling with coming up with anything useful to write about. I considered a post of a music video, but I’d rather not. I considered some kind of length post, but… once again, I’d rather not.

I’ve read a bunch of things that I think are interesting today, but I’m not sure how much anyone else would care. And they weren’t so impactful that I need to reference them again.

And so… today’s post is just this. I’m keeping the chain from breaking, because I don’t want to be a quitter. But once 100 days are done, I do intend to reduce to 2-3 posts a week, with topics that actually matter.

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload (Day 80/100). You can join in yourself by visiting